Empowering the Elderly




The NGO Caribbean Development Foundation  held a lecture  entitled  ”Empowering the Elderly” on February 24th at the Hyatt Regency , in Port of Spain , Trinidad. The lecture was free to the public.

During our campaign on Domestic violence we have noticed a disturbing trend of increasing abuse perpetrated  against the elderly. This abuse can be Physical as well as mental. We have found that it frequently takes the form of financial abuse, i.e. cheating the elderly out of their financial assets. Such abuse can be perpetrated against the elderly by Care givers and close relatives.

The Lecture held at the Hyatt was meant to empower the elderly by arming them with the information needed to protect themselves and their assets in preparation for the later years.

The Lecture was advertised in the Sunday Guardian and the response was overwhelming. The lecture was well attended and we have had very positive feedback about the presentation. We look forward to holding this lecture again in the near future.


The lecture was presented by Alice F. Daniel, Attorney at Law. Ms Daniel is also the legal director of The NGO Caribbean Development Foundation.

Miss Daniel has been practicing for over thirty years as she was called to the bar in November 1983, and is a civil lawyer mainly practicing family law and the probation and administration of Estates.

Ms Daniel is a single practitioner having her own law firm since 1990, she lectures at Hugh Wooding Law School.

Alice F. Daniel-Attorney at Law-Legal Director of the NCDF. View the Summary of her Presentation here.














The NGO Caribbean Development Foundation does not provide legal services to the public. The workshop Empowering the Elderly was held under the heading of our 2018 Domestic Violence campaign.



Memo to the Public:

If you wish to make a report on Elder abuse or on substandard homes for the aged, call the following government department:

Division of Ageing at  The Ministry of Social Development and family Services :800-6742 (Help Desk)

Email: opiccentre@gmail.com or divisionofageing@gmail.com








The NGO Caribbean Development Foundation would like to thank the Massy Foundation and Republic Bank Power to make a difference program, for sponsoring this workshop and supporting the work of The NGO Caribbean Development Foundation.